1Centre.com is a beautifully simple and easy to use SaaS tool that enables the frictionless on-boarding and credit approval of new customers in real-time - building a community of businesses that can connect quickly, validate information instantly and begin trading ‘on account’ with an effortless efficiency like never before.
App design
“I approached Sven with an idea to start up a tech business that would transform the credit industry. From that moment on Sven has given me his unwavering support and guidance in developing the business plan, naming the business and its’ product, designing our whole identity and user-interface design system. It’s just unbelievable how much he has contributed to our success. On top of it all, he also became 1Centres’ first investor and helped lead the governance of the business as a director through our early years. I don’t think we could have done what we’ve done without his contribution and commitment and we’re deeply indebted to him for all he has done”.
Miriana Lawry
Founder & CEO